Have you ever been a little skeptical about going to a nail salon to get a pedicure? With so many people going in and out, how do you know it's a healthy clean environment? One solution is to bring your own tools. We have a wonderful product that combines everything you need into one little package. The SOS Safe Salon Pedicure Kit has everything you need for a professional pedicure, and best of all you are the only one that it's being used on. You won't have to worry about contracting a nail or bacterial infection, athletes foot, warts, or Hepatitis B and C caused by improper sterilization in nail salons. By using your own pedicure kit, you can be sure that your kit is safe and germ free.
Included in your doctor recommended SOS Safe Salon Pedicure Kit is:
All natural tea tree and lavender Sole Savior Essential Moisturizing Oil (15ml)
- Professional grade cuticle nipper
- Nail clipper
- Cuticle pusher and curette cleaner
- Nail brush
- Nail file/buffer
- Foot file
- Toe separators (2 sets)
Here are some other tips for getting the safest pedicure possible.
Be a snoop. Check to see if the establishment has a license. This should be prominently displayed in the reception area. Make sure that your cosmetologist has a license posted at their workstation.
Be a snob. If the salon appears the slightest bit dirty, leave. If the towels aren't clean or the instruments do not appear to be sanitized, leave. Another bad sign you are in an unsantized environment: if the salon has smells of strong odors.

Defend your cuticles. Don't allow them to be clipped or cut. Cuticles keep bacteria from getting under the nail bed.
Look out for illegal equipment. Razor blades that are sometimes used to cut calluses off the feet are considered unsafe and against regulations.
If you have contracted a nail fungus or other problems during a pedicure, contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Vail at 419-423-1888 or visit our website at www.vailfoot.com.
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